The Samsung has launched the new Lavender series LCD monitors in India. The new Samsung Lavender series LCD monitor P2350 is a 23-inch with 1920 x 1080 pixels screen resolution. The Samsung P2350 features 2 speakers, wall mount, swivel stand, HDMI Ports, Hotel mode, Blue screen, Auto off, auto sound leveller and child lock, Touch of Color (ToC) design, a dynamic contrast ratio of 50000:1, a response time of 2 ms; viewing angle of 170/160 and a 16:9 Aspect Ratio.
Samsung Lavender P2350 LCD monitor specifications are:-
Company: - Samsung
Type: - LCD
Model Name/No.:- Lavender P2350
Screen Size:- 23-inch Widescreen
Resolution: -1920×1080
Contrast Ratio: -50000:1
Brightness: -300cd/m²
Response Time: -2ms
Viewing Angles (H/V): -170°/160°
Colors:- 16.7 Million
Inputs: - 1x Analogue & 1x DVI-D
VESA Compliant
Dimensions: - 555.8mm x 416.2mm x 189.4mm
Weight: - 4.8kg
Warranty: -3 Years On-Site
Wattage: - 10W + 10W
Earphone Socket: - Yes
No of channels: - 100
Wall Mount: - Yes
Brightness Sensor: - Yes
Aspect Ratio: - 16:9
Other Features:- Hotel Mode, Blue Screen , Auto Off , Auto Sound leveller , Child Lock, On timer/Off timer
Price in India:- Rs.13000.
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